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New Freight Brokers: 7 Tips to Find BusinessFinding new leads has always been one of the main challenges faced by freight brokers. In order to find a steady supply of qualified leads, you need to learn as much as possible about shippers and the items they transport. Here are some of the most effective ways for freight brokers to generate new business.

7 Ways for Freight Brokers to Generate New Business

1. Look at Your Current Contacts

You may have more leads close at hand than you realize. Practice some old school networking when talking to family, friends, and all your contacts. Businesses in many industries require shipping so it’s very likely you know people who can provide you with promising leads.

2. Call Shippers Directly

Cold calling is hardly a novel idea for generating leads. Some people, however, mistakenly believe that this practice is no longer relevant in the digital age. The fact is, you’re more likely to have a real conversation with a shipper by phone than by sending out cold emails.

3. Look Everywhere

We live in a world where more and more items are shipped daily, both locally and from far away. Simply paying attention to the world around you will provide many clues about products that are shipped every day, including food, clothing, furniture, electronics and thousands of other things. You can also go over your own records and note what you and perhaps members of your own family have ordered recently. Both in-store and online purchases can inform or remind you of products that were shipped from some location.

4. Ask For Referrals

Getting referrals from existing customers is one of the best ways to generate new business. As you gain experience, you’ll naturally get referrals from satisfied customers. You can get even more referrals by requesting them after shipping is completed for clients.

5. Research Your Customers’ Competition

Using Google or an online search tool, you can easily look up competitors of any company. This can provide you with many potential leads as you’ll be bringing up companies in the same industry as your existing customers.

6. Keep Track of Seasonal Needs

Produce, livestock, and other food-related items are shipped at different times of the year from various locations. The USDA publishes useful information that lets you track the shipping schedules for a wide variety of products. You can then contact farmers who grow fruits and vegetables or who raise livestock and let them know about your services.

7. Consult Shippers’ Lists

Industry directories such as The Industry Week 500 and MacRae’s Blue Book provide you with a ready-made list of potential leads for trucking companies. You can use these directories to search for companies by product type and other criteria.

These are some of the best ways to generate new leads and find shippers who are in need of your services. Another way to boost your business is to improve your cash flow with freight factoring. Riviera Finance has been offering premium transportation factoring since 1969. With this type of financing, you can get cash for your invoices within 24 hours rather than having to wait for your customers to pay.

Let Us Fuel Your Business Growth

To learn more about transportation factoring, truck factoring or other alternative financing options, contact Riviera Finance.