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Non recourse factoring benefits Riviera Finance trucking clients when freight broker Network F.O.B. announces in an email that they are going out of business.  For many other truckers, this is bad news because it leaves then with unpaid freight bills.


Unfortunately, this burden of unpaid freight bills is not removed from a trucker if they have decided to sell their invoices to a recourse factor. The carrier will still be responsible and probably have to buy back the invoices in 90 days. This can be of great concern to the small trucker, because it might not be affordable to them.

There are options to try and collect on unpaid freight bills. A trucker can file on the $75,000.00 surety bond, but this will be quickly depleted. Another option is for the trucker to make a claim to the shipper for payment as the carrier of record, but this is a challenging process. An attorney? Costly. A collection agency? Expensive. A write-off? Likely.

There is another choice to eliminating your credit risk for unpaid freight bills and that is by choosing a non recourse factor. By selecting a non recourse factor they assume the credit risk upon purchase of the invoice. The carrier then obtains immediate cash flow on the invoice and also eliminates credit risk.

Trucking companies choose not to go to a non-recourse factoring because it is considered more expensive. This become a calculated decision for them, depending upon their tolerance of risk and their resources to collect invoices.

Riviera Finance has 34 carriers with varying outstanding balances with Network F.O.B. and they will benefit from Riviera Finance’s non recourse factoring program. Now, our skilled staff will roll up their sleeves and by various means begin collecting on these unpaid freight bills.

Riviera Finance has been in business since 1969 and provides full service factoring on a non-recourse basis. We always have a vested interest in the credit decision and collection of an invoice.